The conference showed how the U.S. Department of Defense responds to climate change through adaptation policies. Commander Scott Bunnay (Office of Strategy - Department of Defense) was the one who presented and moderate the conference.
Amanda Dory participated in the conference via a video conference, live from the Pentagon. She talked about the trends that the Department of Defense sees as shaping the future security environment. She also spoke about challenges and opportunities that are encountered in this process: first order effects, security implications and potential opportunities. She also summarized the National Security Strategy and the National Military Strategy.
Amanda Dory participated in the conference via a video conference, live from the Pentagon. She talked about the trends that the Department of Defense sees as shaping the future security environment. She also spoke about challenges and opportunities that are encountered in this process: first order effects, security implications and potential opportunities. She also summarized the National Security Strategy and the National Military Strategy.

Rear Admiral David Titley (U.S. Navy) made an overview of the situation and showed how the U.S. Navy is working with other countries to reduce risks of climate change.
John Conger had a direct intervention from the Pentagon, in which he talked about the issue of freshwater resources in Africa, drawing attention to several African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Southern Sudan, South Africa etc.), Asian countries (countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Near East, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Mongolia, etc.) and also European countries (Poland, UK, Germany etc.).
Also, Conger presented the African countries with which the United States are working in this field: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and almost all countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Rear Admiral Titley responded to a question of APMR's Secretary-General regarding the relationship with Russia (Our Secretary-General ask if the mentioned issue of the Arctic is a global matter, could RADR Titley tell us something about the level of collaboration with the Russian Navy?).
John Conger had a direct intervention from the Pentagon, in which he talked about the issue of freshwater resources in Africa, drawing attention to several African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Southern Sudan, South Africa etc.), Asian countries (countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Near East, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Mongolia, etc.) and also European countries (Poland, UK, Germany etc.).
Also, Conger presented the African countries with which the United States are working in this field: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and almost all countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Rear Admiral Titley responded to a question of APMR's Secretary-General regarding the relationship with Russia (Our Secretary-General ask if the mentioned issue of the Arctic is a global matter, could RADR Titley tell us something about the level of collaboration with the Russian Navy?).

Titley's response was positive: "Russian security services in June 2011 attended a meeting organized by the United States where they sent three three-star generals. There were technical discussions this year in Moscow. On the Alaska-Siberia coastline there is daily cooperation and both sides know that they do not live in a vacuum. It is an important and professional relationship and we will continue to work with them."