COP17 - United Nations Conference on Climate Change - Durban, South Africa. Event presented to all Freemasons by the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR)
The participation of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania at this event is due to the communication system of the Department of State, for which the Secretariat General thanks, considering the American initiative as positive for the international community.
The Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) will resume this morning its participation in the collateral events of the COP 17 Summit in Durba...
The conference showed how the U.S. Department of Defense responds to climate change through adaptation policies. Commander Scott Bunnay (Off...
On December 5, 2011 was held a conference on the importance offered by the U.S. Department of Defense to climate change. Live from the Penta...
On December 5, 2011 at 10:30 AM was held a conference on local implementation of actions to protect the environment. The U.S. Consul General...
The event started at 17:00. At the conference the panelists were Cleveland Thomas (Energy Adviser for Sub-Saharan Africa - USAID), Oton Iska...
Yesterday morning there was a discussion about water resources in Africa. The discussion was attended by Cecilia Khupe (USAID Southern Afric...
Today at 15:00 local time in Durban, South Africa, took place an international conference hosted by the US Department of State within the co...
The conference took place at 13:00 (December 5, 2011) and discussed about the projects in Central and Western Africa. Eric Postel (Bureau fo...
- Feed the Future (FTF) initiative at a COP17 co-sid...
- COP17 official opening ceremony
- Status of negotiations at the COP 17 Summit
- COP 18 goes to Qatar in 2012
- Video message by Jacob Zuma, President of South Af...
- Video message by Christiana Figueres (Executive Se...
- COP 17 - Highlights of opening press briefing